Ways to Store Beans at Home

Once the harvest is gathered, it’s essential to protect it from mold, bugs, moths, and other pests. What are the most effective ways to store beans at home? In this article, we’ll discuss the best methods for preserving beans.

Preparation and Prerequisites

To store beans until the next harvest (or even for two years) or for spring planting, follow these steps:

  • Harvest on a sunny day.
  • Thoroughly dry the beans in a well-ventilated area (e.g., attic, shed, hayloft).
  • Discard any damaged beans.
  • Store beans in a location with a temperature of no less than 0°C and no more than 15°C.
  • Ensure humidity does not exceed 50%.

Once these conditions are met, you can choose the most suitable method for storing your beans.

Storage Methods

1. Storing in Glass Containers

For this method, you can use:

  • Glass bottles with a wide neck and tightly sealing lids.
  • Jars with metal lids that can be securely screwed on.
  • Glass jars covered with plastic lids, with the jar rim wrapped in plastic wrap for extra tightness.
  • Glass containers with clip-lock lids.

Place the dried and cleaned beans into a dry glass container. Using this method, beans can be stored for 1 to 1.5 years.

2. Storing in Cloth or Fabric Bags

You can store beans in pods or as shelled beans using cloth or fabric bags. Before filling the bags, prepare them as follows:

  • Soak the bags and their ties in a salt solution (2 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water) for 30 minutes.
  • Wring them out and dry thoroughly in the sun.
  • Fill the bags with beans.

To enhance protection, add 2-3 sliced garlic cloves or a handful of dill seeds inside. These odors repel pests. Hang the bags in a dry attic. Beans stored in this manner can withstand freezing temperatures, as the cold kills pests. Beans can be stored this way until spring.

3. Storing in Plastic Containers

Plastic bottles, jugs, or containers with tightly sealing lids can also be used for bean storage. Follow these steps:

  • Choose containers free of odors.
  • Ensure they are completely dry.
  • Place a small amount of dill seeds or a bay leaf at the bottom.
  • Add the beans.
  • Seal the lid tightly.

Using this method, beans can be stored for 1 to 2 years.

4. Storing in Plastic Bags

If the above methods are not suitable, you can use plastic bags. Resealable bags are ideal as they are practical and reliable. If not available, regular plastic bags will work as long as they are tightly tied to block air, moisture, and pests. Add dill seeds or a bay leaf to repel insects. Beans stored in plastic bags can last for 4-5 months. If refrigerated, they can be stored for up to 6 months.

5. Storing in Cardboard Boxes

Dry bean pods can be stored in cardboard boxes. Line the boxes with newspapers, as the ink’s scent can deter pests. Place a sliced head of garlic at the bottom. Add the pods, cover them with another layer of newspapers, and store them in a dry, cool place like an attic. During winter, shell the beans or remove them from the pods in another convenient way. Afterward, store the shelled beans using one of the methods mentioned above. The safe storage duration for pods in boxes is 3-4 months.

These are the most effective ways to store beans at home. By selecting one or more of these methods, you can preserve your beans for up to two years if necessary.