Smoked Salmon Eggs Benedict
Eggs Benedict is a classic American breakfast dish consisting of an English muffin, a poached egg, hollandaise sauce, and bacon....
Eggs Benedict is a classic American breakfast dish consisting of an English muffin, a poached egg, hollandaise sauce, and bacon....
We invite you to prepare a delicious Smoked Salmon and Asparagus Risotto, a creamy and flavorful dish perfect for any...
We invite you to prepare a Greek Salad with Smoked Salmon — a refreshing and nutritious dish perfect for any...
A delicious and easy-to-make Smoked Salmon and Herb Dip that's perfect for serving with toasted bread, crackers, or roasted potatoes....
We suggest preparing Lohikeitto – Finnish creamy salmon soup. In Finnish, "lohi" means salmon, which gives the traditional Finnish fish...
We invite you to make a Quiche with Salmon. Quiche is an open French pie with a shortcrust pastry base,...
We suggest trying our recipe - Salmon, Egg and Cheese Tartlets Ingredients: 200 g lightly salted salmon 4 eggs 100...