Salad with Sausage and Cheese
Let’s prepare a delicious Salad with Sausage and Cheese! Ingredients: 300 g sausage (you can use ham or boiled chicken...
Let’s prepare a delicious Salad with Sausage and Cheese! Ingredients: 300 g sausage (you can use ham or boiled chicken...
Try preparing a delicious Turkish-style Potato Salad, a classic dish from Turkish cuisine that’s both flavorful and easy to make....
Let's make a classic Italian dish, Caprese Salad. It's believed that the Caprese salad originated on the island of Capri,...
We offer a recipe for a dish from Thai cuisine – Larb Gai (Thai Cold Chicken Salad). Ingredients: 2 chicken...
We suggest preparing Mimosa Salad. Ingredients: potatoes – 4 pcs. carrots – 4 pcs. processed cheese – 2 pcs. onion...
Let's make a delicious and hearty Chicago Salad. This layered salad is a classic and a crowd-pleaser. Ingredients: 500g smoked...
Let's make a classic Minister's Salad with beef. To speed up the preparation, we recommend boiling the beef the night...
We suggest you try "Temptation" salad with smoked chicken. Ingredients: Smoked chicken breast - 150g Marinated mushrooms - 100g Processed...
We suggest you try chicken, bean, corn, and vegetable salad. Beans and chicken will add satiety to the salad. A...
We suggest making a classic Caesar salad in a hurry. Ingredients: Hard cheese – 200 g Croutons – 100 g...