Table Games for a Fun Company

Finding or coming up with table games and fun contests for a celebration is not difficult – the main thing is to adapt them to your company. You can recall table and other games that fascinated us in childhood. After all, the festive atmosphere brings even serious and respectable guests back to their childhood a little, and a glass of champagne in honor of the occasion helps everyone relax and enjoy participating in entertaining games.

“Never Have I Ever…”

This is a lighthearted confession game. Each guest starts their statement with “Never have I ever…”. For example: “Never have I ever drunk tequila.” However, responses should develop the topic. If someone has already shared something about food or drinks, they should switch to a different theme, such as leisure activities, travel, or household matters. Table confessions can be very amusing—just be careful not to reveal any deep secrets!


This is a funny classic game that many guests are likely familiar with. Here’s a reminder of the rules: prepare small notes in advance with words or short phrases describing actions or objects. A participant picks a note from a bag and must act out the word using only body movements, gestures, and facial expressions—without speaking! The other guests must guess what is being acted out.
For example, the note may say: “A cat climbing a tree.” To make it easier, you can limit the words to objects only or allow small props. Small prizes can be given for well-performed tasks.

Edible Alphabet

The host names a letter of the alphabet, and participants take turns finding something edible on the festive table that starts with that letter. The one who finds a matching food item becomes the next host and picks a new letter for the next participant.

“A Message from the President”

This contest lets each guest feel like a president giving a speech. Each note should contain five words that must be included in the speech. These words should be unusual and humorous.
For example, one note might include: raspberry, mirror, snowman, carrot, slide.
The player acting as “president” must deliver a speech incorporating these words.
The audience judges the speeches, and the funniest “president” can receive a small prize.

Lip Reading Game

This contest consists of several rounds, each featuring two players. One player wears headphones with loud music so they can’t hear anything. The other player says a word, and the person in headphones must read their lips and guess what was said.
After some time, they switch roles. The player who correctly guesses the most words wins.

Bringing Fun and Laughter to Your Celebration

Table games and fun contests bring even serious and reserved guests back to childhood and help everyone relax. Try these games at your next gathering to make the atmosphere even more joyful!