September 1st – National Tofu Day in Japan

On September 1st, Japan and the whole world celebrate National Tofu Day.

Tofu, a meat substitute made from bean paste, is loved and appreciated by people all over the world. For vegans and vegetarians, this is an ideal way to give up meat, but at the same time get enough protein in the diet. Tofu has been a traditional Eastern dish for many centuries.

Tofu can be cooked in a variety of ways, it can be put in so many dishes that it becomes an ideal ingredient. The holiday aims to celebrate the creativity that tofu evokes in people, as well as to celebrate its long history as a favorite dish of many.

For those who consider themselves a true fan of tofu, this will be an ideal day to try it again!

History of National Tofu Day

Tofu is considered an integral part of the diet of people in different cultures, especially in East Asian dishes. Having the same nutritional value as meat, milk and cheese, tofu is undoubtedly a staple food. Although it appeared in the West not so long ago, the very first mentions of tofu were back in 900 AD in Japan.

Tofu, a word that literally means “bean curd,” has numerous epithets in Chinese and Japanese. It was only in the 1800s, when English translations of cookbooks appeared, that the term “tofu” was used. And cookbooks of the 1970s already began to use the term “tofu” as the official name of the dish on a regular basis.

After the tofu recipe was passed down through thousands of generations, today it has become a cult food and a healthy alternative, especially for those who want to lead a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle.

Tofu can be cooked in many ways, and in Japan, each province has its own way of cooking it!

How to celebrate National Tofu Day

On National Tofu Day, people do their best to taste tofu dishes and get creative, adding it to any new dish. It’s fun and easy to try something new with tofu or go back to a well-known and valued standard recipe. Try new ideas at home, or visit a Japanese restaurant to pay tribute to this versatile and amazing dish on National Tofu Day!