Plants for south-facing windows that thrive in direct sunlight

Plants for south-facing windows are special. Many indoor plants cannot tolerate direct sunlight. Flowers that grow on a south-facing window, which in the wild are under the protection of tall trees creating a diffused partial shade, suffer especially. In addition, the soil in flower pots that live on the windowsill of a south-facing window dries out quickly, requiring frequent watering, and the leaves need spraying. Frequent watering, accordingly, leads to the leaching of nutrients from the soil, so plants also need frequent feeding. However, even south-facing windows can be decorated with plants that perfectly tolerate both direct sun and insufficient moisture.


This tropical plant is distinguished by its unusual color. Outwardly, it resembles nettle, but with bright leaves that have decorative value. They are painted in a combination of burgundy, red, yellow, and green hues. Coleus is grown not only at home but also in garden flower beds. At least in the first half of the day, it needs to be provided with enough light. In winter, it loves coolness but not below 12 degrees. The flower needs to be watered often and abundantly. On hot days, it is useful to moisten the bush with a spray bottle. Fertilize with complex mineral fertilizers. In winter, coleus enters a dormant period.


A huge family includes more than 1500 species. These desert hardy plants can survive in the scorching sun. They are unpretentious, calmly relate to a lack of light. But they will not be able to develop normally and bloom in such conditions. Cacti love heat and even heat, do not be afraid to expose them to the balcony in the summer. But remember, the warmer it is in the room or on the street, the more frequent watering is needed. Cacti grow slowly, they develop more actively in the warm months. They begin to bloom in the cold season. Transplantation is carried out only in spring and only if the pot has become very tight. A drainage layer must be laid at the bottom of the container to prevent water stagnation at the roots.


A perennial herbaceous culture that is loved for its unpretentiousness. It was brought to our latitudes from Africa. It can live at any level of illumination, is not afraid of direct rays, and does not suffer in the shade. But on the sunny side, the color of the long narrow leaves will be more expressive. Forgives the owners for missed watering. It easily withstands coolness down to 8 degrees. There is no need for spraying. Chlorophytum is not only beautiful but also has beneficial properties. It cleans the air in the room from harmful impurities and bacteria. Caring for the plant is simple, it propagates by babies, which quickly take root.


A large amount of sun is considered a necessary factor for the flowering of this plant. Belongs to the Aroid family. It stands out with beautiful red flowers of an unusual shape. Anthurium came to us from South America, so it needs a hot climate. The lighting should be bright, and the temperature should not be below 20 degrees. The air humidity also needs to be increased, do not forget to regularly spray the leaves. The height of the bush is from 30 to 50 cm. The leaves are large, spade-shaped. The core of the inflorescence resembles a small cob in appearance.


Another indoor species, the care of which does not cause difficulties. Belongs to the Asteraceae family. Two necessary factors for the health of gerbera are plenty of heat and light. The recommended length of daylight is at least 12 hours. Therefore, a south-facing window is quite suitable. North windows should not be chosen. In winter, additional lighting will not be superfluous. The soil should be light, not too acidic. The room should be ventilated regularly, the air should not stagnate. The flower reacts negatively to sudden temperature changes and drafts. It begins to bloom in late August.


It is grown as an ampelous plant, it is popular with flower growers. It cleans the air in the room and neutralizes the harmfulness of electromagnetic waves. It looks great in a hanging pot. Bright light is needed, but it is better if it is diffused. Variegated varieties are especially photophilous. In the cold season, coolness is needed – no higher than 12 degrees, and in summer, tradescantia loves thermometer readings of +25. Watering is necessary systematically and abundantly. But in winter, it should be reduced. Use only soft, settled water. Avoid stagnation of liquid near the roots, otherwise, tradescantia may die. It is better to work with it with gloves, as the poisonous juice sometimes causes skin irritation.


This concept includes a fairly wide range of plants. Succulents include aloe, kalanchoe, crassula, haworthia, cacti, etc. There are a large number of species, they differ in size, shape, and color. All are characterized by low requirements for growing conditions. They calmly tolerate heat and drought, accumulating moisture reserves in their fleshy leaves. In winter, they may need additional lighting, in summer they do not need shading. Watering is best moderate. It’s okay if you leave them for a couple of weeks while you’re on vacation. Succulents are suitable for beginner flower growers, as possible mistakes do not cause them serious harm. Adapted to temperature fluctuations.

Indoor Fuchsia

This tree or shrub is native to the American continent. Flowering begins in spring and lasts until autumn. During the dormant period, which lasts from November to February, fuchsia is watered infrequently. A place for wintering is chosen light and cool, but without drafts, which can kill the plant. In the heat, the bush will shed all its leaves. In the summer, the humidity in the room is recommended to be maintained at a fairly high level. Lighting is needed in a large volume, but diffused. Direct sunlight, the flower can withstand only in the morning and evening hours. On a south-facing window, the plant should be protected in the middle of the day with a sheet of paper or a piece of thin fabric. With a lack of light, the branches will stretch, and the formation of buds may never begin.