Farmers often debate which duck breed is better to raise: Pekin or Muscovy Ducks. Comparing them is quite difficult, as these birds belong to different species. However, let’s try to analyze such characteristics as appearance, temperament, egg-laying ability, and meat productivity to reach a more informed conclusion.
Muscovy ducks belong to the tree duck species. The homeland of the Muscovy duck is South and Central America, and its ancestors were forest birds and had no relation to waterfowl. Muscovy ducks have an elongated body, a long tail, and large, well-developed wings, allowing them to fly well. Despite their significant weight, they can easily fly onto a roof or jump over a fence. Therefore, it’s common practice to clip the wings of Muscovy ducks.
Pekin ducks belong to the river species. Their wings are small and lie close to the body, which is slightly raised, and their tail is short. When raising ducks, it’s desirable to have a nearby pond, as this can significantly reduce feed costs. However, if the water is stagnant, both the meat and eggs of the ducks acquire an unpleasant odor.
As for character, Pekin ducks are very excitable and accompany any of their actions with quacking. Usually, they make a lot of noise only in serious situations, for example, when they are scared or when they run out of water or food. Therefore, if there is a commotion in the poultry yard, you can guess not only that someone is disturbing them but also that they are hungry or thirsty. Full ducks communicate less loudly.
Muscovy ducks are less fussy and mostly make only quiet hissing sounds. This bird is less emotional and peaceful, and most of the day it is neither seen nor heard.
Egg production varies between duck breeds. In the first year, the Muscovy duck lays very few eggs, perhaps only 5-7, and young Muscovy ducks are very restless and often abandon their nests. In the second year, the situation improves; there may be more than a dozen eggs in the clutch, and the birds sit to hatch ducklings 2-3 times a season. The incubation period of eggs is about 35 days. The Muscovy duck is a caring mother, long leads the ducklings, teaches them to find worms, catch insects, protects and raises them.
The Pekin duck, on the other hand, is a very good layer, capable of laying over 100 eggs a year. The incubation period of eggs is 28 days. However, they are not very good “mothers”; it is very difficult to get them to hatch ducklings.
Muscovy ducks grow slower. They can be slaughtered at the age of more than 4 months, when the duck weighs 3.5-4 kg, and the drake – about 5 kg. However, it is believed that they consume less feed than Pekins, and therefore their maintenance is more profitable. However, if you calculate the amount of feed they consume until they reach slaughter weight, the costs for both types of ducks are practically the same, and sometimes Muscovies even eat more.
The meat of Muscovy ducks has high taste qualities. At the same time, it is dietary. The meat contains only 30-37% fat, which is much lower than in other types of ducks.
Many farmers slaughter Pekin ducks at the age of 2-3 months. By this time, the bird’s feathers are fully grown, and molting has not yet begun, so plucking the carcasses is very convenient – there are no short “stumps” on the skin. The carcass weight at this age is about 3 kg. But the fat and meat of ducks at 2-3 months have not yet fully matured: the broth is not as rich and flavorful, and the roast is not as tasty as from a 4-5-month-old duck. In addition, in a more mature bird that has gained good weight, the subcutaneous fat is easily separated, it can be harvested for future use, and then used for frying various dishes.
In general, summarizing which ducks are better to raise, we can advise farmers to raise both Pekin and Muscovy ducks. And after a few years, having made your own comparisons, choose the option that is most suitable for you.