Munchkin Cats: breed characteristics and care

The Munchkin cat breed is both endearing and surprising. These animals have short limbs, which is why they are often compared to dachshunds. Short-legged animals are divided into two groups: standard – cats with short limbs, and non-standard – the paws of these pets are slightly longer. The paws of the Munchkin breed are straight and two to three times shorter than those of their relatives.

The animals are very small: 16-18 cm in height. Representatives of the Munchkin breed weigh as little as a feather: cats – 3-4 kg, cats – only 2-3.6 kg.

Breed Characteristics and Temperament

Munchkin cats are naturally intelligent and attentive. Therefore, breeders recommend developing these qualities through games that require ingenuity and unconventional solutions. Balls, mice, cat mazes – all this will be interesting for the pet. And on the street, he can even bring his owner a ball, just like a dog.

Even a Munchkin kitten can show its ingenuity: from four months old, it masters the tray and scratching post. But you cannot beat or offend the pet for misdeeds: the animal treats the owner with absolute trust, and such actions can lead to the pet ceasing to consider him a friend.

Pets can easily jump onto low tables, chairs, sofas, and beds, but they cannot reach very high structures by jumping. But they are not deprived of ingenuity and often use lower furniture to climb higher. Sometimes they stand on their hind legs or sit on their own tail, which looks quite funny.

Munchkins are so playful and energetic that they can play all day long. Experts advise acquiring this breed for families with children, as they are very patient with almost all children’s pranks: they react calmly when they are dressed up, rolled in a stroller or squeezed, and sometimes even grabbed by the tail.


Munchkin cats are not without reason called “cat-dachshunds”, they even have a characteristic dog feature: to bury or hide objects that interest them, mainly shiny trinkets and food. Therefore, valuables should be removed from the animal.

Other pets treat Munchkin cats like ordinary animals, not particularly highlighting the features of their appearance. If a cat is attacked by an enemy, the Munchkin will turn into a brave and courageous warrior who will honorably defend his dignity, and his short legs will help confuse the opponent.

Oddly enough, but they often find a common language with dogs more than with their own kind, with whom they prefer to compete for leadership. But if a pet starts a fight with large or evil dogs, the owner needs to intervene urgently, as everything can end very badly.

A pet will become an excellent companion on a trip. Many owners take them with them to nature or out of town. Animals calmly tolerate trips and rarely meow.

Munchkin Care and Maintenance

A short-haired pet needs to be combed once a week, and if the cat has long hair, the procedure is carried out 2-3 times so that the hair does not remain on furniture and clothing. After combing, the animal should be stroked with wet hands to remove any remaining hairs.

Munchkin cats should not be bathed often, a few times a year will be enough. When bathing, it is better to plug the pet’s ears with cotton wool so that water does not get into them. The animal should only be soaped from head to tail, without touching the head itself; it will be enough to run wet hands over it. Once a week, you need to clean the cat’s teeth with a special paste for animals.

Since Munchkins are very low animals, this should be taken into account first when purchasing a tray. The sides of the tray should be no more than 6-8 cm, you can take a tray with an open entrance. Cats have a negative attitude towards sharp smells, so shampoo and toilet filler should not have a strong smell.

If you plan to accustom a whiskered one to the street, then you need to start as early as possible: the later this happens, the more stress the animal will experience.


Munchkin kittens eat 5 times a day up to four months, their diet consists of porridge, meat, and dairy products. From 4 months to a year, they need to be fed 3-4 times, you can add premium-class feed. Adults eat 2-3 times a day.

These cats are prone to obesity, so they should be fed in limited portions. The pet’s diet includes: lean meat, white sea fish, cereals, dairy products, vegetables, egg yolk, and offal. Potatoes and legumes should be avoided. Vegetables, fish, and meat products should be pre-boiled.

Owners of cats describe them as playful and sociable pets capable of lifting anyone’s spirits. They love to sit on their owner’s lap and purr when stroked. Moreover, they are quite family cats, and gentle representatives of the breed are excellent mothers.