Melothria scabra is an annual climbing plant whose vines can reach up to three meters in length. The leaves of this plant are triangular and slightly hairy. The yellow flowers resemble bells. The flowers are unisexual and you can visually distinguish the male from the female. The male flowers are gathered in clusters, and the female ones grow singly. The harvest can be gathered as early as early July. The fruits are small, striped, resembling oval watermelons up to three centimeters in length. They taste very much like a regular cucumber but have a slightly sour aftertaste.
Melothria fruits contain a lot of fiber, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. They contain magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, and sodium, as well as B and C vitamins, making them very beneficial.
Growing Melothria
Growing this crop is very similar to growing ordinary cucumbers. Since this plant comes from hot countries, it is naturally thermophilic and can only be planted in the ground with hardened seedlings. To grow seedlings, you need:
- Fill disposable cups with fertile soil.
- Water the soil well.
- To keep the plant warm and the seedlings sprout faster, the cups should be covered with a film.
- Place the cups with seeds in a sunny place.
- After four days, the first shoots will appear, after which you need to remove the polyethylene from the cups and carry out regular loosening and watering of the soil.
- After the seedlings grow to five centimeters in height, you can open the window for a short time to accustom the plants to fresh air.
- Seedlings can be planted in the ground in mid-May.
Choosing a Planting Site
Since Melothria scabra is a heat-loving plant, the planting site should, of course, be sunny and windless. It is very good to plant it in the place of last year’s growth of onions, peas, or tomatoes. Melothria should not be planted in the place where gourds, cucumbers, and zucchini grew due to the similarity of diseases and the risk of infecting the plant. After planting in the ground, in case of temperature drop or heavy rain, the plant must be covered. Planting from seeds is possible, but this will significantly delay the fruiting period of the plant. Most often, this planting method is used to grow decorative melothria, which decorates balconies and gazebos, and when obtaining fruits is not the main goal.
Care Rules
In general, melothria is a fairly undemanding plant and does not require special care. This crop is very fond of moisture, so watering should be regular and plentiful. But do not overmoisten the soil, as this can provoke fungal diseases. The soil around the plant needs to be carefully loosened so that a crust does not form. It is very good to mulch the soil. It is imperative to feed the plant with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. If melothria is grown as an ornamental plant, then it is better to use nitrogen fertilizers so that the green part grows actively. During the period of active growth of the vine, melothria needs to be tied up. If an arch is planned, then you need to create a corresponding frame along which the plant will weave. You can create a frame in the form of a pyramid and plant melothria around it. This will create a beautiful landscape composition. To protect the plant from powdery mildew, it must be treated with a solution of laundry soap twice a year.
The first fruits appear twenty days after planting the seedlings in the ground. The main fruiting period occurs in July, and the crop can be harvested until the very first frosts. Cucumbers should be picked slightly unripe, because if you miss a little, they will overripe and become soft. To taste, the fruits are soft and resemble a cucumber, and the skin is hard and gives sourness. If you follow all the rules of care, up to six kilograms of small striped ones can be harvested from one bush.
Benefits of Melothria
This product is very rich in vitamins and fiber. Regular consumption strengthens the cardiovascular system, normalizes blood pressure. Removes harmful substances from the body. Lowers cholesterol levels in the blood. Causes a quick feeling of satiety, which is very helpful for those who want to lose weight. You can make salads with melothria and arrange fasting days with it. It has low calorie content. Only fifteen kcal per 100 grams. Has an immunostimulating effect on the body. Tones and is an anti-inflammatory agent. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Melothria scabra is used in cooking, for pickling with other vegetables, and also with cherries.
Harm of melothria and contraindications to use
People suffering from gastritis and ulcers, as well as increased acidity, should not eat this product. Overripe fruits should not be eaten by people with cardiovascular diseases, as well as problems with the liver, hypertension, and gastrointestinal diseases. Pregnant women should not eat salted melothria.
Use for decorating arbors and flower beds
The plant can decorate fences, arches, arbors, and you can create various landscape compositions from it. To make it easier for the plant to cling, it is better to fix a net in the place of the planned weaving. Melothria grows very quickly and by the end of summer it will braid the entire necessary area. It is also grown on balconies and decorated with windows. Melothria scabra is a very useful and beautiful plant that does not require special care. Its fruits contain a lot of useful microelements and vitamins. They perfectly satisfy hunger and give a quick feeling of fullness. Basically, Melothria scabra is consumed raw and in the form of fresh salads. It can also be pickled and canned on its own or with other vegetables. These fruits are very good for meat dishes as a garnish. But it is important to remember that this is an annual plant that will grow for only one year. Therefore, before each season, a new planting from seedlings or seeds will be required.