Azalea (lat. Azalea) is the common name for some flowering plant species from the genus Rhododendron (Rhododendron), native to China, Japan and India. Azalea can be called one of the most beautiful indoor plants. Its bright flowering pleases us in the winter cold. It is called the “pink tree”, although it is actually a shrub. But for the azalea to bloom, it takes a lot of effort and knowledge, as it is a very whimsical and demanding plant.
Types and Varieties
Among indoor plants, two species are considered popular:
- Indian Azalea, also called Azalea Sims – an evergreen shrub 50 cm tall, has wide flowers with a diameter of 4-6 cm.
- Japanese Azalea – a small bush with small flowers.
All varieties are divided into 3 types, depending on the flowering time:
- early flowering (December-January);
- mid-flowering (January-March);
- late flowering (February-April).
Planting and Transplanting
This plant is very demanding. It loves acidic, loose soil and abundant watering. The pot for planting should be low and wide, because the root system of the flower is superficial. At the bottom of the pot you need to put drainage, its layer should be about 20 cm.
For planting, you can buy a special mixture that is suitable for this plant, or prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to mix river sand with coniferous soil and peat.
The flower needs to be transplanted in early spring, after flowering. Since the root of the azalea is very delicate, it is better to simply transfer the flower. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the thin roots. Before transplanting, the flower must be well watered.
The plant is transplanted as it ages: a young flower is transferred annually, then it is enough to transplant it into a larger pot once every 3 years.
Azalea requires special attention, but with proper care it will delight you with its bright flowering all winter long.
First, you need to choose the right place for the pot. In the summer, it is better to put the azalea on a glazed balcony or loggia, where there is good lighting. But it is important to protect the flower from direct sunlight.
In winter, the most comfortable place will be a north window, because this plant loves coolness. The temperature in the room should exceed +18°C, and the period of bud formation is about +10°C.
It is important to remember that azalea does not like dry air, so it should be placed away from hot heating appliances. It also does not tolerate drafts and frost.
Watering and Spraying
The second rule of caring for azalea is regular watering and spraying. The water should be soft. If it is not possible to collect rain water, you can take it from the tap, but let it stand for several days. Once a week, add a couple of drops of lemon juice to the water. In winter, you can use melted snow.
Azalea is a water-loving plant, but you need to make sure that there is no stagnation of water, otherwise the roots will begin to rot. The best option is to water every other day and spray regularly.
Top dressing
The flower needs to be fed after flowering. This is done with a special fertilizer that is only suitable for azaleas. In the fall, when buds appear, you can feed several times with a solution of superphosphate.
Pruning and Crown Formation
An important role in growing azaleas is pruning and pinching the bush. This must be done after flowering, removing weak shoots.
If you do not engage in crown formation, the flower will be very sprawling, and the number of buds will be significantly reduced. To do this, young shoots are pinched, and those that are formed near the flower buds are removed.
Azalea Propagation
It is better to propagate azaleas at home by cuttings. This is done in June-August, using semi-woody cuttings of 5 cm.
After removing the buds, an oblique incision is made under the bud, the lower leaves are cut in half. The treated stalk is planted in a prepared pot with soil.
Drainage is placed on the bottom, then a layer of sand 3 cm thick, on top of coniferous soil, about 10 cm.
The cutting is planted to a depth of 2 cm, then it must be well watered. Then spray it 2 times a day until it takes root.
You can make a greenhouse from plastic wrap, then the young plant will begin to grow faster. But in the morning and evening it needs to be ventilated and sprayed.
After 3 weeks, the film is removed.
You can propagate by seeds, but flowers will appear after 5 years, and there is no guarantee that all varietal qualities of the plant will remain.
You can also propagate by dividing the bush. For this, a plant that is 1 year old is used. Such a bush is divided into 3 parts. The roots of the azalea are divided especially carefully. The bushes are planted in prepared pots and fertilized.
Diseases and Pests
All diseases occur due to improper care of the flower. In dry and too warm air in the room, the flowering period will be significantly reduced. To do this, the azalea needs to be sprayed daily, and the pot with the flower should be kept away from the battery.
The leaves wrinkle and fall off from insufficient watering. You can place the pot in moist peat.
Yellowed leaves indicate that the water for watering is very hard. It is better to water with settled or boiled water, adding fertilizer.
Great harm is caused by parasites: ticks, aphids, scale insects, mealybugs. The flower must be treated with an insecticide or soapy solution. After that, spray well with clean water.
Azalea requires a lot of care and time, but with proper care it will delight you with its amazing flowers.