How to choose an aquarium for your home

Before choosing an aquarium for your home, you need to understand what it is. An aquarium is the main element for breeding fish and other inhabitants and is a regular reservoir containing fish, water, and decorative elements. If you have a desire to breed fish and have a home aquarium, you need to clarify a number of questions before buying it.

Volume and Placement

First of all, you need to determine the volume of the aquarium and its placement. Buying it is not a problem, but placing the aquarium so that it does not interfere with anyone, but at the same time pleases the eyes of the household, is not so simple. Lovers of independent creativity can make such a reservoir themselves; there are many instructions for making it on the Internet. In any case, when choosing a home aquarium, you should rely on your personal preferences and financial capabilities.

It should be borne in mind that fish prefer aquariums where living conditions are similar to real water bodies. Certain types of fish can generally live perfectly well in a glass jar for the first time, but for their reproduction and comfort, a good aquarium is definitely needed. Remember, the larger the reservoir, the more comfortable the fish will be in it, which means they will live much longer. Moreover, a smaller aquarium needs to be cleaned more often, which will require a lot of your time.

Fish lovers have long discovered a pattern according to which the size of the aquarium affects the process of fish reproduction. In small aquariums, fish reproduce very slowly, and some species of egg-laying fish generally refuse to reproduce. Moreover, a small aquarium is more susceptible to changes in temperature or lighting, which can disrupt the natural rhythm of fish, since this does not happen in nature.

In a more spacious aquarium, temperature and chemical composition of water are easier to maintain. Even without a heater, in a large aquarium, the water does not change its temperature sharply, which means that the fish will have time to adapt to the changing conditions. In a smaller volume, even in a few hours, the water temperature can change by a couple of degrees, which will not have a very good effect on fish reproduction and the entire process of their life.

All beginner fish breeders should immediately buy a capacious aquarium, the volume of which will be approximately 100 liters. Some novice fish lovers buy a 30-40 liter aquarium, naively believing that it is easier to care for such a reservoir. In practice, everything turns out exactly the opposite.

Shape of the Aquarium

Rectangular or round aquariums are the most popular, as they can fit perfectly into any interior and at the same time will not create problems when caring for the reservoir. It is not recommended to buy a completely spherical aquarium, as fish feel uncomfortable in it, and your observation of the fish will be very distorted. In a rectangular aquarium, all fish will be clearly visible, and you can truly relax watching them. It should be borne in mind that fish cannot take oxygen from the air, so it must be supplied to the water artificially in aquariums. The higher the oxygen content in the water, the more comfortable the fish feel, and it is much easier to maintain the gas balance in a larger space of the aquarium. To organize a good gas exchange, an aquarium in which the width is greater than the height is better suited, therefore, when choosing an aquarium, you should pay more attention to the width.

Inhabitants of the Aquarium

Due to the fact that most modern residents live in small apartments, the volume of the aquarium is often limited by the free space in the apartment of the owner. In this case, you may not have the opportunity to choose a large aquarium. If this is the case, then a competent selection of aquarium inhabitants can be a way out of the situation. In a small aquarium with a volume of 10-15 liters, you can place several guppies, gouramis, or laliuses, as they feel more comfortable in a small space than telescopes or angelfish.

Aquarium Design

After purchasing the aquarium, one of the important activities will be its beautiful design. If you have all the opportunities to beautifully design the aquarium yourself, then this is a big plus, but, unfortunately, not all of us have the skills to create masterpieces of aquarium design. One of the main factors that attract people to aquaristics and fish breeding is aesthetic pleasure, but if you cannot decorate your tank yourself, then we recommend using the help of professionals, even if it is not free, but you can choose different design options for the aquarium in any style that you like, and you will be confident in the quality result.