We all know that potatoes are second only to bread in the list of foods most commonly found in our diet. It is present in many dishes. But there are times when this vegetable is not only useless but also dangerous. This is green potatoes, which contain harmful substances that, when ingested in large doses, cause poisoning.
When Potatoes Turn Green
The appearance of green is caused by the fact that under favorable conditions, potatoes can reproduce themselves. Daylight and moderate room humidity contribute to the start of the photosynthesis process, in which chlorophyll contained in the root crops participates. This process becomes visible by the appearance of a green color on the tubers. It is known that chlorophyll is found in all plants and under the influence of sunlight, all parts of plants are colored green or purple. The stems and leaves of potatoes are also green, and potatoes that are in the ground are simply protected from ultraviolet rays by it. We notice green tubers where they are visible from the ground. Under the influence of fluorescent lamps, these processes do not occur. Photosynthesis is triggered by the action of ultraviolet or infrared light. “Green” fruits are dangerous to eat. Long storage leads to an increase in the concentration of poison. A change in the color of the peel makes it unsuitable for consumption. Such food is extremely dangerous for pregnant women, young children, the elderly, and those with health problems.
The Danger of Solanine
Potatoes belong to the nightshade family, which contains a harmful substance – solanine. A high concentration of it is found in the above-ground parts of the plant. In tubers, its share is very small (0.05%). But under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the content of solanine increases sharply several times, which becomes dangerous to health. The appearance of this toxin is a protection of potatoes from possible pests and diseases. When the root crop is fully ripe, the content of this substance in it is small, only 0.05%. After six months, its indicators begin to grow, the highest level is contained in immature or sprouted potatoes. It is known that solanine suppresses the nervous system, leads to digestive disorders and the destruction of red blood cells. Their death can be verified by analyzing the urine; there will be an increased amount of protein in it. In the process of removing the poison from the body, the kidneys and skin are damaged. Solanine also accumulates in the body. As a result, it leads to joint diseases and the growth of cancer cells.
How to Prevent the Appearance and Whether it is Possible to Safely Remove Greenness from Potatoes
In order to avoid the appearance of green during the ripening of the root crop, systematic hilling should be carried out. Such manipulations make the soil loose, increase the growth of tubers and protect them from the photosynthesis process. The harvested crop should be stored in cool conditions without exposure to sunlight. All this will allow you to get a crop that will only benefit the body. When removing the damaged skin, the amount of poison decreases, but there is no complete confidence that it has not penetrated the pulp of the root crop. Experts do not recommend eating such potatoes without extreme necessity, as even heat treatment does not eliminate the toxin.
The Benefits of Green Potatoes for the Harvest
Green potatoes are better stored until spring, are less affected by spoilage and germinate faster. Gardeners and farmers purposefully lay out root crops intended for planting the following year in a thin layer to acquire a greenish tint and thick sprouts. Such planting material germinates better, and subsequently, the crop can be obtained a couple of weeks earlier than usual, and it will be an order of magnitude higher. Having learned about the harm of green potatoes, it is better to set them aside for sprouting for planting in the ground to get a rich harvest. If there is nowhere to plant, then it is better to throw it away and not risk the health of loved ones.