Flandr rabbits have been quite popular among breeders for a long time. They are a large breed that was developed by breeders back in the 17th-19th centuries. There is still debate among scientists about the country where the Flandr breed first appeared. The main contenders are Argentina, France, Belgium, and Germany. Over the years, they have undergone several significant changes, which have greatly improved their endurance and fertility.
Constitution and Appearance
Flandr rabbits are very massive and somewhat awkward animals. They are distinguished by their large ears, which give them an even more charming and homely appearance. The main characteristics of this breed include:
- Body weight: They are much heavier than other breeds, weighing between 6 and 10 kg.
- Color: There are several shades, but on average, their color ranges from dark gray to sandy-brown.
- Body structure: Flandr rabbits have an elongated, bent body, long and wide ears, a large head with prominent cheeks, wide and deep chests, and dense, thick fur.
- Fertility: A doe can give birth to 8 to 15 kits on average per litter. Additionally, Flandrs have a high milk production rate.
Character of the Rabbits
These rabbits are known for their gentle, calm, and balanced temperament. They rarely show aggression and get along well with children, which makes them widely used for decorative purposes. Moreover, they have high intellectual abilities. Thanks to their intelligence, Flandrs are friendly and sociable. They are often compared to dogs because they can understand humans so well.
Features, Advantages, and Disadvantages
Like any breed of rabbits, Flandrs have their own specific characteristics. The main disadvantages include:
- Insatiability: Those who decide to breed these rabbits should be prepared with a large supply of food, as they are always hungry.
- Low meat yield: Despite their large size, their meat yield is significantly lower compared to meat breeds.
- Congenital limb deformities: It is not uncommon for some rabbits to be born with limb deformities, such as crooked or underdeveloped limbs.
- Low-quality fur: While the fur coat of Flandrs is dense, it lacks a significant amount of down, and the growth of the fur is uneven.
Advantages of Flandr rabbits include:
- High fertility and the viability of the kits.
- Hardiness and adaptability in breeding; they are omnivorous.
- Resistance to diseases and temperature fluctuations.
- Calm and balanced nature.
- Can be raised for fur, meat, and decorative purposes.
Flandrs have more pros than cons. Breeder-scientists are continuously working to improve the quality of the breed and minimize its drawbacks. Proper care and balanced feeding will ensure healthy offspring.
Care Guidelines
For rabbit breeders, it is well known that the key factors influencing the quality of any breed are nutrition, care, and housing conditions (i.e., the cage). Flandr rabbits are no exception.
- Nutrition: Despite their omnivorous nature, these rabbits require a well-balanced diet for proper growth and development. It is recommended to feed them grain and grain mixtures (compound feed) and vegetables (such as pumpkins and potatoes) daily. To boost immunity, bio-mycine can be added to their food. One peculiarity in feeding this breed is the need for two meals a day and almost no hay in their diet. Such feeding ensures proper digestion and prevents illness.
- Care: The main rule for rabbit care is to carry out preventive vaccinations on time.
- Housing Conditions: Large rabbits require spacious cages. They should be equipped with feeders and drinkers and cleaned regularly.
Breeding Rabbits
One distinctive feature of Flandr rabbits is their late maturity — around 8 months. Only at this age can they mate, unlike other breeds. After mating, it is essential to provide the doe with a spacious cage, where she and her numerous offspring will be comfortable. Does are very caring mothers and take good care of their kits. With proper care, these animals grow rapidly, making breeding them quite profitable.
Tips for Choosing Flandr Rabbits
For those interested in this breed, there are several simple tips to help make the right choice when purchasing:
- Where to buy: It is best to buy rabbits from large farms, where professionals oversee the life and development of each animal. Rabbits receive all necessary vaccinations, are properly fed, and well cared for.
- Price: Don’t be tempted by cheap ads; the average price of a Flandr rabbit is higher than many other breeds.
- Age of the doe and kits: The healthiest offspring come from does around 2 years old. It’s best to choose rabbits from a summer litter and aged 2-3 months.
- Appearance: When choosing, pay attention to the rabbit’s limbs, the appearance of the fur, the size of the ears, and its overall condition and mobility.
Before deciding to purchase Flandr rabbits, it’s essential to determine the purpose of the purchase. Whether they are for meat breeding, raising offspring, or for decorative purposes at home, the characteristics will differ. It’s also important to decide on the specific variety of Flandrs and their color.