December 20 – National Sangria Day

Every year on December 20th, National Sangria Day is celebrated. A nice chilled Sangria is undoubtedly refreshing and will instantly transport you to the summer sandy beaches of Spain.

Sangria (Spanish: sangría from Spanish sangre – blood) is a Spanish low-alcohol drink based on red wine with the addition of pieces of fruit, sugar, as well as a small amount of brandy and dry liqueur. The Romans planted vineyards in Spain as early as 200 BC. This caused very active trade and the wines of Spain were delivered to most cities of the Roman Empire. Red grapes and fruits grew very well in the climate of Spain, and the locals began to call their wine punches Sangria, which in Spanish means “blood”. In southern Spain, this drink is often called zurra, and it is created from peach or nectarine. Spaniards mainly create their sangria from red wines, but it can also be prepared from white wine, this drink is known as “sangria blanco”.

To celebrate National Sangria Day, order it at your nearest restaurant or try to cook it yourself. Use fresh seasonal fruits for the best flavors!

Sangria Recipe >>>>