Nyuber Burgers (Chickpea Burgers)
Try preparing Nyuber Burgers (Chickpea Burgers). These vegetarian burgers are a great example of how to turn vegetables into something...
Try preparing Nyuber Burgers (Chickpea Burgers). These vegetarian burgers are a great example of how to turn vegetables into something...
We invite you to try Vegan Potato Cheese, a simple and quick recipe that makes an excellent replacement for thick...
Let's make a traditional Mexican breakfast of eggs in a spicy tomato sauce - Huevos Rancheros. Ingredients: 400g potatoes, peeled...
Try preparing a delicious Turkish-style Potato Salad, a classic dish from Turkish cuisine that’s both flavorful and easy to make....
We invite you to try a vegetable dish: Pea and Potato Patties. Ingredients: 250 g shelled peas (fresh or frozen)...
If you love Indian snacks, you'll definitely want to try Aloo Tikki, spicy potato cakes. Ingredients: 1 cup cooked green...
We invite you to try making Cheese Potato Pancakes, a delightful twist on a classic dish. Ingredients: 6-7 medium-sized potatoes...
We suggest you make pickled cucumbers in a 3-liter jar. In the summer season, when there are many fresh vegetables...
We invite you to prepare a classic dish from Italian cuisine: Pasta with Mussels in Cream Sauce. Ingredients: Spaghetti or...
Let's make the classic Canarian dish, Papas Arrugadas! While the Canary Islands belong to Spain, their cuisine has developed unique...