Smoked Salmon Eggs Benedict
Eggs Benedict is a classic American breakfast dish consisting of an English muffin, a poached egg, hollandaise sauce, and bacon....
Eggs Benedict is a classic American breakfast dish consisting of an English muffin, a poached egg, hollandaise sauce, and bacon....
We suggest you prepare Chicken in Cornflakes with Honey BBQ Sauce. Ingredients: For the chicken: 1 kg chicken breasts 1...
We invite you to try Vegan Potato Cheese, a simple and quick recipe that makes an excellent replacement for thick...
We invite you to prepare Kuchmachi, a traditional Georgian dish made from offal (liver and other organ meats). This dish...
This elegant appetizer or main course features succulent scallops wrapped in crispy bacon and drizzled with a sweet and tangy...
Non-Kabob or Uzbek Burger is a delicious Uzbek dish that resembles a burger. Here's a recipe to make your own...
Let's make a classic Scottish dish: Scottish-style eggs with chicken. Ingredients: 4 eggs 400g chicken mince 2 tablespoons finely chopped...
If you love Indian snacks, you'll definitely want to try Aloo Tikki, spicy potato cakes. Ingredients: 1 cup cooked green...
We invite you to prepare a traditional Sicilian dish: Arancini - Sicilian Rice Croquettes. Ingredients: 1.5 cups long-grain rice 4...
We invite you to try making Cheese Potato Pancakes, a delightful twist on a classic dish. Ingredients: 6-7 medium-sized potatoes...