Black Prince tomatoes are recognized by gardeners as the most optimal variety with a good yield and minimal care requirements. The fruits of this variety ripen very quickly, they are large, bright, and heavy, and the bush height is within the average norm.
Rules for planting seedlings
These tomato seedlings need to be planted correctly: rows should be one meter apart and half a meter between the tomato bushes themselves. It is imperative to fertilize the land with manure or humus. For further tying up tomato bushes along the row, about every two meters, you can drive in stakes, on which a strong wire is subsequently stretched. The garter is attached to it.
Before planting the seedlings, it is worth tearing off the excess leaves, leaving only about 3-4 upper ones. Do not shake off the earth from the root, plant with the earth from the cup. The hole should be the volume of the root. Cover the planted stem with earth up to the upper leaves.
After all the cups are planted, they need to be watered well. The Black Prince variety requires a lot of moisture and good watering. It is advisable to additionally mulch the soil with manure (but not fresh) or leaf humus or sawdust from above.
If you plant Black Prince tomatoes in exactly this way, then you will not risk disturbing the root system, the plants are not injured during transplantation, the plants will quickly grow, thanks to additional overgrown roots.
Fertilizing and feeding bushes
A layer of mulch protects the roots from overheating and drying out, and such an environment is favorable for the breeding of earthworms, which have a beneficial effect on the earth, softening it. The composition of the mulch itself, gradually decomposing, enriches the earth with minerals and nutrients. This additional layer perfectly protects tomatoes from the formation of a crust on the ground near the root.
Black Prince tomatoes need to be fed quite often and regularly, about once every two weeks. For feeding, manure is again perfect in the proportion: one bucket of water per bucket of manure. This fertilizer must be infused for about a day before use. 1-2 liters are spent on each tomato bush, depending on the size and degree of growth. You need to start feeding during the flowering period of the bushes.
Properties and signs of the variety
This amazing variety of tomatoes is distinguished by its bright dark red color and unique taste. They are added to salads and eaten simply as a treat.
The fruits of Black Prince tomatoes reach a weight of up to 450 grams, and the bush itself can be up to 2.5 meters long, so they must be tied up. The height of the tied bush should be such that you can reach it yourself.
Seeds of this variety are not so common in agricultural stores, but you can buy them on the Internet. It is advisable to purchase ready-made tomato seedlings from summer residents who grow this variety themselves: so you can be sure that the plant will have a strong immunity, which will help it fight against the harmful microflora that lives on weak plants.
Plant this variety of tomatoes at a distance of at least 1.5 meters from other varieties, providing it with growth and development in a “monoculture”, preventing cross-pollination of varieties.
Black Prince has been bred for quite a long time, so lovers of healthy food should not be afraid that this variety is genetically modified. Black Moor, as well as some new varieties, also have a dark red color, but these varieties should not be confused with Black Prince.
Growing features
A feature of this tomato variety is that it germinates much less frequently and longer than other varieties. Before planting in the ground, bushes with a crown formed in seedling containers should be outdoors for about two weeks. The sprout for Black Prince tomatoes should be from the ground and a small amount of sand, humus, and wood ash.
Important: wood ash should be added to the ground in the fall so that by the time the tomatoes are planted in the spring, it is neutralized and does not burn the roots. If you did not have time to do this in the fall, it is better to do without ash, but after a while after planting, water it with ash extract.
This extract is prepared very simply: one glass (necessarily) of sifted ash per 10 liters of water. Infuse for a day, stirring constantly. Immediately before watering, pass the liquid through a thick layer of gauze.
Subject to all necessary conditions, the first fruits will appear about three months after planting. This should happen around early July. You will get the long-awaited fleshy and bright fruits that will appeal to all members of your family.